Host Link UK

Student Accommodation

 Student Accommodation, accommodating students, Homestay, homestay provider, Summer school, Guardianship, Group tours, Residential summer school, Junior summer stay, Sports programmes, Cultural programmes


If your child is coming to abroad going to study in one of these independent schools or colleges in Reading we can offer your child pastoral care under our guardianship care programme. We are based in Reading and can convenient to Reading Schools. We can meet the school requirements to be there for your child in the place of a parent, in the case of an unexpected emergency or issue, provide that extra support for your child as well organise their homestay provision for holiday periods.


Website testimonial

We have nothing to complain about. Everything was so good. Be sure we are ready to come back again.

Sonia on 15 January 2018

Website testimonial

Host Link have performed their job of family-finder, family inspector and advisor with great professionalism with the result that both families and students have been well served and very happy with their arrangements.

Langauge School on 15 January 2018

Website testimonial

"I have had the rare opportunity of having my two daughters go through the Host Link homestay. It is being a perfect experience with very comfortable provisions and adequate parental care. We as parents also receive regular feedbacks"

Toyin Olasunbo on 15 January 2018

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